Colet Choral Society

Colet Choral Society was formed in 2013 and is a community chorus open to anyone without audition.

The society is administered by St Paul’s Girls’ School and directed by the Directors of Music at St Paul’s Girls’ School and St Paul’s School (currently Leigh O’Hara and Mark Wilderspin, respectively). It currently gives two concerts each year, with one taking place in each school. Rehearsals usually take place on Thursdays during term time from 19.00-21.00 in the Singing Hall at St Paul’s Girls’ School. Please use the Rowan Road entrance, which is open from 18.50-19.10.

Subs are £55 per term, payable by Friday 8 October 2021 for the Autumn Term. They cover all costs including administration, music, rehearsals, concert and refreshments.

Autumn Term 2021 Schedule

Mozart: Requiem
Haydn: Insane et vanae curae

Start: From Thursday 23 September
Half term break: Thursday 21 October and Thursday 28 October
Extended rehearsal: Thursday 25 November: 19.00-21.30

Concert: Sunday 28 November at St Paul’s School, Barnes, 18.30.

If you are interested in joining the Colet Choral Society, please email Gabbi Freemantle, Music Department Manager, St Paul’s Girls’ School on