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August 18, 2023

A Level Results 2023

All at St Paul’s School are delighted to celebrate the achievements of our Upper Eighth Form pupils.  Their A Level results are excellent and testament to the dedication and hard work of candidates and staff.

A*-A grades are higher than in 2019 – the chosen reset level of awarding bodies in England – with 84% of all grades at this level and 96.5% A*-B. 68 pupils (around one third of the year group) gained 3 A* or more and 138 gained all A*-A.

Alongside 2023 A Level students across the UK, this year group is to be congratulated for the hurdles they have had to overcome during their studies. These pupils were in year 10 when Covid hit their GCSE preparations meaning these A Levels were their first experience of public examinations . They have needed to demonstrate resourcefulness and determination, with their families’ and teachers’ help, and we know this will stand them in good stead for their futures.

We are also delighted to highlight a few particular successes:

Oliver Hiorns was the highest ranked pupil in the country for OCR’s A Level Mathematics A

Axel La Pira was one of the highest performers nationally for OCR’s A Level Art and Design: Fine Art

We are especially proud to share the news that 85% of grades achieved by the 22 pupils in the Upper Eighth in receipt of bursaries were graded at A*-A, allowing them to continue to exceptional further education destinations.

We wish all the leavers of 2023 the very best for the next stage of their lives and educational journey. We look forward to seeing them in December for their first school reunion.


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