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November 1, 2022

Academic conference invitation for Vikram to present his research work

Vikram Bhamre (Upper Eighth) has been invited to present his academic research work at an academic conference.

Vikram has been working with Dr Tansu Daylan at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) on a micro lensing project. A paper has come out of this work and Vikram has been invited by Dr Daylan to present his work at the conference Great Lakes Exoplanet Area meeting (GLEAM) hosted by Ohio State University on 17-18 November 2022. This is an outstanding achievement for this young researcher. Below is the abstract for the paper:

Microlensing exoplanet yield estimate (Vikram Bhamre with Dr Tansu Daylan at MIT): 

This paper aims to better understand the optimal mission design for the Nancy Grace Roman (NGRST) microlensing mission. We simulate a realistic dataset of microlensing events with cadence, noise models, and observations strategies reflective of the NGRST mission. We select a set of events from our dataset for more detailed fitting based on a measure of light-curve asymmetry and then fit them with a Point Lens model. We come up with a yield estimate for the number of exoplanets that will be found.We also consider the effect of varying the observation strategy by changing the cadence, observation gaps, and observation periods and evaluating the effect of precision and recall.

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