Thank you for your interest in finding out more about St Paul’s School, London.
The young men who join us at 16+ for the Sixth Form Years 12 and 13 (called Lower and Upper Eighth at St Paul’s.) are motivated and academically curious. They relish two years of brisk, challenging study – alongside everything else St Paul’s has to offer – as a stepping stone for entry to world class universities. St Paul’s School has been leading the way academically since 1509 and our A Level and Pre U results and University destinations are amongst the strongest in the UK.
Every year, approximately 20 young men join St Paul’s in Year 12 from all over the UK and internationally and some also choose to board. The application process opens in May of Year 10 and the selection process takes place in the Autumn Term of Year 11. Registrations for 2022 entry are open, for boys born between 1 September 2005 and 31 August 2006. Registration will close at midnight on Friday 24 September 2021.
If you are ready to make an application, please click here to find out more.
Assistance with Fees
We are committed to providing an exceptional education to any young man who fulfils the entrance criteria, regardless of social or demographic background. Each year there are funds available for free and subsidised places at all entry points, with a focus on 11+ and 16+ to reflect the natural state school entry points. As with all other entrants, applicants hoping to benefit from a bursary must first gain a place at the school on academic merit. If you wish to apply for a bursary, parents will be asked to complete a means-test assessment form designed to establish the level of financial support available. As family circumstances may change, the level of bursary support is reassessed annually. At registration, you may indicate that you wish to be assessed for a bursary.
We look forward to meeting with you.