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December 6, 2023

Bebras Problem-Solving Competition

In the recent Bebras problem-solving competition, organised annually by the University of Oxford, St Paul’s School pupils across all years participated with remarkable success.

In the Intermediate age section (NC years 8 and 9), two Paulines (Max Williams and Rafael Modiano) scored full marks (2 out of just 91 nationally out of 209,000 entrants), with a further 104 Fourth Form pupils achieving Gold certificates for being in the top 10% nationally.

In the Seniors (NC years 10 and 11), 72 Paulines received Gold certificates. In the Elites (NC years 12 and 13), Archie Macrae (Upper Eighth) placed in the top 10 in the country (out of nearly 13,000 entrants), with a further 18 Paulines receiving Gold certificates.

All those who achieve a Gold certificate qualify for the Oxford University Computing Challenge, which first round is held in January of the New Year.

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