Club News – 1 February 2022

This week, Eighth Form students participated in the first-ever Club Philosothon event, and the results for the first round of Club MasterChef are in!

Club Philosothon

Under the guidance of Dr Gaydon, SPS have held their first-ever Club Philosothon event for Eighth Form students. A Philosothon is a friendly competition where participants select and aim to make critical headway on philosophical issues. Marks are awarded based on philosophical rigour and an ability to collaborate with and help others as the group searches for an answer. This event saw all eight clubs compete in the first round, with clubs A, E, G and H getting through to round 2.

Questions that the group selected for discussion:

  • First round: Is it true to say that murder can be art?
  • Second round: How successful is the argument that the divine, by definition, is unknowable and incomprehensible, so all religious language is meaningless?
  • Second round: How legitimate is the claim that all colonial artefacts and artworks currently kept in European museums should be returned to the countries they were taken from?

The final results were:

1st Place: A club

2nd Place: E club

3rd Place: G club

4th Place: H club

It was a brilliant event with a very high calibre of thought-provoking conversation held in both rounds. Well done to all participants – we look forward to holding the junior competition after the remedy.

Club MasterChef 

Round 1 of Club MasterChef saw over 20 excellent entries – with students needing to create a delicious vegan savoury or sweet dish from scratch. Students were asked to document their cooking process and describe their dish using sophisticated culinary terminology.

Points were awarded for:

  •              Complexity of dish
  •              Presentation of dish
  •              How well the dish meets the brief


A: Aidan Wong

B: Shivan Arora

C: Josh Ferro

D: Raphael Hibou

E: Niko Dahl

F: Sebastian Marsoner

G: James Platt

H: Eamon Coates

Each club has had one finalist selected who has been invited to prepare a dish for Round 2; we look forward to the live taste test on Friday!

MasterChef Round 1 Dishes