Despite the changing rules, club competitions have continued in full force this half term – from basketball to unihoc, from bridge to debating, there has been something for everyone!
Well done to everyone who has competed in a club activity this half term; there have been over 300 pupils involved and some fierce competition provided!
Our Autumn Term favourite, Club Drama, was back with a partial but live audience yesterday and the results from this, as well as the results from Club Photography, are now in!
Club Drama
Special Commendation for writing his own play: Elijah Patterson (D Club)
Best supporting actor: Max Wiseman (E Club) and Luca Speciale (F Club)
Best actor: Atom Lucenet (G Club)
1st: B Club
2nd: F Club
3rd: G Club
Club Photograph
Almost 70 pupils entered this year’s EcoSoc-Clubs collaboration, looking to represent any of the main themes of this year’s COP:
* Finance
* Energy
* Youth and public empowerment;
* Nature
* Adaptation, loss and damage
* Gender
* Transport
* Cities, regions and the built environment
It was incredibly difficult to judge due to the wonderfully high standard of images but the following pupils were judged to be the best entries from their clubs.
1st E: Olly Onillon
2nd H: Kush Chandaria
3rd C: Hugo Berman
4th A: Karol Dmitriew
5th B: Eshan Hall
6th F: David Jorges Bates
7th D: Yanis Benaben
8th G: Frederick Dehmel
This leads to a final term leader board of:
Well done to everyone for this term and good luck to club’s for next term where we see events such as Club Fives, Badminton, Squash, Classics, Chess and, of course, the return of Indoor Athletics!
Thank you also to all the staff who made events possible this term!