St Paul’s Young Enterprise teams competed in the first round of the Young Enterprise Company of the Year Competition and won five awards (out of the seven available) at the Richmond Showcase. Project Eden was awarded the Best Runner Up Company and will progress through to the South London Final.
The Young Enterprise Company of the Year Competition is a Europe wide business competition which allows students to form their own company, develop a product or service and then market it and sell it to their customers through a full project lifecycle.
Awards achieved:
- STEM award – Innovium
- Digital presence award – Team Practicality
- Team Journey award – Team Practicality
- Sustainability award – Project Eden
- Best Runner-up Company – Project Eden (progressing to the South London Final)
Business Ideas:
Team Practicality – Tackling gender stereo-types with ‘Male’s Varnish’
Innovium – Tackling the growing issue of food waste through advanced electronics and thermally efficient design
Project Eden – Making sustainable food production available to everyone
Team members:
- Innovium – Ricardo (Managing Director), Hugo, Ben B, Thomas C, Yuvraj, Laith, Will, Basti, Joseph, Jamin and Thomas S
- Team Practicality – Kelechi (Managing Director), Eddie, Sidd, Matthew, Nik, Johnny, George, Kush, Ali, Tim, JJ L, Max, Arav, Ben P, Dhanu, Alex, Eashan and Robert
- Project Eden – Rana Sarin (Managing Director), Edouard, Kieran, Nicholas, Thomas, Robbie, Rehman, Cameron, Charlie T and James T