The Geography Society held their annual conference which raised over £3000.
On Wednesday 10th October 2018 the school’s Geography Society (GeogSoc) held their annual conference with over 200 guests including pupils, parents, Old Paulines and representatives from several partnership schools. The event raised over £3000 in total, with Microsoft very generously matching pound for pound all money raised on the evening. This year’s theme was ‘Exploration & Migration. Three key note speakers spoke on a range of topics:
Fearghal O’Nuallain – The first Irishman to circumnavigate the globe by bike, talked about traveling 31,000km through 30 countries over 18 months and the work he has done with ‘The Kindness of Strangers’, a platform for storytelling to help promote empathy with people around the globe.
Shilpika Gautam – An ex-banker who has swapped the office for adventure, described paddling 2,600km of the Ganges from source to sea, and what she learnt about the people she met on the way.
Richard Corbett – Oxfam’s Humanitarian Lead explained about the charity’s responses to humanitarian emergencies around the world, describing in detail the challenges of providing care and support in disaster zones around the world.
During a lively and interesting Q&A session after the talks the audience had the opportunity to quiz the speakers and explore some of the themes raised in more details.