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December 7, 2016

Geography Society Discuss Migration at Annual Conference

Last month, the School’s Geography Society, GeogSoc, held their annual conference in the Samuel Pepys Theatre. Attracting an impressive line-up of speakers, the evening focused on the topic of ‘Migration’.

Over 200 pupils, parents and guests listened to four separate short talks, before having the opportunity at the end to ask questions. The evening began with an overview from Ms Mailer, who leads Oxfam GB’s campaigning and policy on humanitarian crises, on the current crisis in the Mediterranean, followed by a fascinating analysis of changing attitudes towards ethnic groups by Professor Ansari, the Director of the Centre for Ethnic Minority Studies at Royal Holloway. Professor Page of UCL then provided a detailed study of the role remittances play in development, before Mr Mohammed, a Somalian refugee, provided a harrowing but inspirational insight into the life of a migrant fleeing war and building a new home abroad. The event raised over £1000 for the charity Refugee Action.

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