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December 14, 2021

Hans Woyda Mathematics Competition

On Thursday, 9 December, the final group round of the Hans Woyda Mathematics Competition, with the SPS team of Aman Parekh, Haolin Zhao, Jash Jhaveri and Johnny Cubbon facing off against strong competition from Latymer Upper School.

Both schools had yet to lose a match, meaning that the winner would go through the knockout rounds, and the loser would be relegated to the plate competition. As such, the stakes were high, and despite an early lead to help cool their nerves, the SPS team made a few unforced errors in the probability round, slimming their lead to just two points by the switecond half. However, just when I thought they might be about to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, they sched into gear for the race round, preventing Latymer from picking up a single point and storming to a decisive 52 – 36 win. Therefore, the school sails through to the knockout rounds next term, when a crack team will be assembled to hopefully replicate the success of the last Hans Woyda competition in 2019/20.

Written by: Samuel Hewitt, Teacher of Mathematics

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