Trends are changing as 30% of Paulines go to Oxbridge and a further 18% to North American universities.
University Destinations 2014
The statistics below reveal the main trends in university admissions for the 2014 leavers, for whom we have a complete set of data now that the outcome of gap years/deferred/reapplications is known. The publication of actual destinations is more accurate than information about offers received.
From the class of 2014, 30% of Paulines (56) went to Oxford or Cambridge; a further 18% (34) to the other two UK universities in the QS World Top 10 (UCL and Imperial); 8% (15) are studying medicine; and 13% (24) went to North American universities, nearly all of them Ivy League or equivalent. In total, 78% of Paulines went to the top 12 UK Universities in the QS World rankings.
We will know the complete picture of the destination of 2015 leavers in the autumn of 2016.
Update on University Offers 2016
We are still awaiting all offers for 2016, so that, for example, the main offers from US universities are not due until April. So far, the number of Oxbridge offers (56 at 30%) has exceeded those received in 2015. Ivy League Universities are the fastest growing destination for Paulines, ten of whom have already received coveted ‘early offers’ from US Ivy League universities, plus three from Ivy League equivalents. A further 28 St Paul`s boys have applied to US Ivy league Universities and they will receive the outcomes of those applications on 1 April.