‘The Physics Penitentiary’, a team of pupils from our Lower Eighth Form, have won the national round of the Weizmann Physics Safe Cracking tournament.
This great achievement has not only seen the team crowned national champions, it has also earned them a shot at the international title to be held in Tel Aviv this April.
Teams that enter this competition each build a safe based on the principles of physics, with the idea being that it is impossible to unlock the safe without first deciphering the science behind it. Teams use lasers, weights and even TNT to keep the other teams from breaking through the barriers they have set up!
Once the competition starts, each team takes it in turns to crack the other safes, with the judges awarding the prize to the team that most impresses them with their application of physics knowledge and theory. Teams must be able to unlock their own safe within five minutes whilst keeping other teams out for at least ten minutes to ensure that they earn the respect of the judges.
The judges crowned ‘The Physics Penitentiary’ resounding favourites, having been impressed by their ingenuity in cracking the safes presented to them, as well as the engineering behind their own safe. Best of luck to the pupils in their quest to return from Israel as world champions!