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November 4, 2019

Local Charities selected for 2019-2020

Before half term, the St Paul’s School Charity Committee (SPCC, which represents both schools) met to decide which local charities the whole school will support this academic year.

This followed an invitation for nominations from our staff, students and parents in September.

Castelnau Community CentreThames 21 and City Harvest have been selected to be supported over the coming year, in addition to FiSH, the St Paul’s Juniors charity of the year. Throughout the following academic year, we will be inviting them to school for various events.

The committee is excited to work with the charities and build strong relationships and projects throughout the whole school community. Partnerships with these charities will be launched at the St Paul’s Juniors Christmas Fayre on 24 November 2019.

Find out more about these charities by visiting their websites.

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