Yesterday the 2018 Leavers and their families joined us for the 2018 Leavers’ Ceremony, a celebration that marks the culmination of their time at St Paul’s and welcomes them into the wider St Paul’s community.
This year’s guest speaker was Saul Klein OBE (1983-88), venture capitalist and co-founder at Local Globe. Saul was the co-founder of LoveFilm International (acquired by Amazon), the original executive team at Skype (acquired by eBay) and has more recently supported Citymapper, Cleo, Kano, TransferWise, Goijmo and MyHeritage.
For those who were unable to make the event, or simply would like to remember Saul’s excellent commentary on how the journey is the destination, his speech can be found here. We thank Saul for his powerful message and for giving up his time to share this with the Leavers of 2018.
The ceremony was followed by a reception on the Wathen Hall lawn where families and pupils were able to celebrate with staff and friends.