Materials Science School: Teacher CPD

How can we develop materials for a sustainable tomorrow? How will smart materials revolutionise the modern world? What impact does the field of materials science have on our daily lives?

On Tuesday 9 July, Discover Materials, IOM3 and St Paul’s School invite science teachers from across London to a day of discovery to find out answers to these questions and more. Through a series of talks and workshops, we will explore the broad field of materials science and ways in which it can be explored within the classroom. There is also time set aside for lunch, coffee and conversation to chat with the course leaders and other teachers. Please see the timetable below for more information.

For more information and to register please complete the following Registration Form

Any questions please email

Timetable for the day:

Thursday 9 July Session
08:45 Talk Introduction to the Day
09:00 Talk Introduction to Metals
10:00 Workshop Scanning Electron Microscope
10.45am Coffee Break
11:00 Talk Space Materials
12:00 Workshop Surface wetability and biological materials
12.45pm Lunch and Coffee
1.30pm Talk Introduction to Composites
2.30pm Workshop Ceramics and Glass
3.30pm Workshop Polymers