Please see below for the latest Parents’ Group Update.
In the coming two weeks, we have another amazing opportunity for parents to get involved in one of our school chosen charities, City Harvest. Please join our St Paul’s team to help sort donations and prepare deliveries at the warehouse in Acton (W3 7QE). Please email Brooke ( if you would like to join on one of these dates: Wednesday, 6 October (12-4pm) or Wednesday, 13 October (8:30am-12pm).
We have had yet another busy week with two events for our parent community this past week: the New Parents’ Coffee Morning and the Fifth Form social, both taking place at school. The New Parents’ Coffee Morning saw new parents from the Fourth and Eighth Form enjoying coffee, juice and pastries on a crisp, sunny September morning just outside the Samuel Pepys foyer. The enthusiasm of parents on how to get involved in the Parents’ Group was very welcome!
Fifth Form parents celebrated the start of their children’s new year with a party under the stars in Founder’s Court last Thursday. More than 200 parents gathered for their first in-person event, a welcome chance to finally get to meet each other in person after a year of Covid restrictions. High Master Sally-Anne Huang had a special welcome for the year group and Undermaster Glenn Harrison was on hand to greet and chat with parents. A fantastic start to the new year and hopefully just one of many events for the Fifth Form this year.