2016 Destinations: a superb year for the leavers of 2016 – over half currently enrolled at universities ranked in the top 20 in the world.
Forty-four percent (84 out of 190) of leavers in 2016* are studying at universities ranked within the top 10 in the QS 2016 World University Rankings; fifty-seven percent (108 out of 190) of leavers in 2016 are studying at universities ranked within the top 20 in the QS 2016 World University Rankings. The table here gives the Universities destination and subjects being studied.
Of those opting to study in the UK in 2016, 95% went on to Russell Group universities, with 53 entering Oxford or Cambridge. 31 chose to study abroad, with 28 entering Ivy League or equivalent US universities.
A full list of the destination of 2017 leavers will be published in September 2018. 2016 is the most recent year for which we have full details, because some leavers take a GAP year.
Offers news for 2018 Entry
A total of 61 Oxbridge offers have been received, with 38 at Oxford and 23 at Cambridge.
A total of 14 places have been secured through the early offer system to US universities, including NYU, Cornell, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Brown, Princeton Michigan, Duke, UPENN, Columbia and Wesleyan. US universities complete their offers for 2018 entry in early April, so this figure will rise when it is updated in the spring.