Lower Eighth student Param Adani presented a paper at Merchant Taylor’s School Young Philosophers Conference on Wednesday, 2 February, and Axel La Pira (Lower Eighth) and Monty Brown (Upper Eighth) were respondents to papers written by pupils from other schools. All three pupils performed their roles excellently.
On Monday 7 February, ten pupils represented St Paul’s against pupils from many other London schools at the London regional heats of the UK Philosothon competition: Omar Burhanuddin (U8th) and Monty Brown (U8th), Felix O’Brien (L8th) and Michael Carney, Max Bishop (6th) and Jonah Collett (6th), Frederick Websper (5th) and Eli Joseph (5th), and Siddharth Chaudhary (4th) and Samuel Christie (4th). In philosothon competitions, pupils score points for their philosophical and discursive contributions in collaborating with others in a shared philosophical enquiry. Eli Joseph performed exceptionally well, coming 2nd overall in the Year 10 class.