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March 4, 2021

St Paul’s First National Careers Week

This week we have been celebrating National Careers Week for the first time! Old Paulines, parents and friends of the school have been delivering lunchtime talks throughout the week for all year groups and our partner schools.

These sessions have been focused on specific industries where our guests have explained their career pathways, given advice for students interested in working within that industry and outlined a ‘day in the life’. Industries covered have included film production, charities and social purpose, aviation, sustainable finance, entrepreneurship and ethical trading, and we also welcomed back students from the Class of 2020 with a session titled ‘What I wish I knew a year ago’ in which they gave their top tips for securing work experience. Key takeaways from the sessions include; ‘start with what excites you’, ‘follow your passion’ and the importance of ‘waking up to the world around us’.

Staff have also supported the week by facilitating conversations in their own subject areas, using their GoogleClassroom banners to display different roles they held before teaching to spark these discussions. For more information on our National Careers Week programme, or to support our wider careers provision, please get in touch with Becky McGreevy ( in the first instance.

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