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February 28, 2023

UK Linguistics Olympiad – Advanced Level results

Paulines have enjoyed a great deal of success in this year’s UK Linguistics Olympiad. 30 Lower and Upper Eighth Formers and one Sixth Former sat the exam. Between them, they we won 17 medals overall: 7 Bronze, 9 Silver and 1 Gold.

There was a record entry of 1686 candidates, and the thresholds for Gold, Silver and Bronze were 60%, 45% and 31.7% – much lower than last year, reflecting the (unexpected and unintentional) greater difficulty of this year’s exam. Gold goes to the top 5%, then 10% and 20% for the other awards. Congratulations to Shivan Arora, who has qualified for the second round of the competition.

Awards were as follows this year:

Bronze: Nikolai Dahl, Nicholas Dyer, Thomas Evans Alcantara, Westye Hoegh, Luke Magalhaes, John Moretti,  Jack Morris

Silver: Oliver Burt, Karol Dmitriew, Aidan Meadows, Alex Read, Teo Rossbach, Max Swinnerton, Shyam Thobhani, Leo Walton, Charlie White

Gold: Shivan Arora (Upper Eighth)

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