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November 2, 2023

Winter Coat Drive for Wrap Up London and Calling London

As the temperature starts to drop and the Great British weather becomes more and more inclement, we are presented with an opportunity to help those less fortunate than ourselves in one simple way: coats.

Calling London and Wrap Up London are both registered charities in the UK that collect pre-loved, warm coats. This winter drive helps people across the city and works with charities serving women and young children in shelters, young adults, the homeless, the elderly and refugees. Since 2011, Wrap Up London has distributed 197,245 to people in need.

Your help is needed!

WHAT DO WE NEED? Pre-loved, warm winter coats for men and women, children and babies, and even dog coats! (Please note that we are unable to accept scarves, hats, gloves, sleeping bags or bedding).

WHEN CAN I DROP OFF? Wednesday 15 – Friday 17 November between 8:00- 8:30am

WHERE IS THE DROP OFF POINT? Inside the marquee outside Ichthys, collection crates will be clearly visible.   

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