We were delighted to welcome Richmond Carers Centre into SPS on Wednesday to deliver an assembly to Fourth and Fifth Form students about young carers.
A young carer is someone under 18 who helps look after someone in their family who is ill, disabled or misuses drugs or alcohol. Young carers might help with the following: practical tasks; physical care; personal care; emotional support; managing finances; medication management; sibling care; and communication support.
It is estimated that 1 in 5 young people have a caring role at home, and the average age of registered young carers in the London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames is 13 years old.
There is a lot of support available for children who may be young carers and their families, and further information is linked here: here and here.
If you would like more information or support, please do get in touch with me, Miss Clare Kelly (Safeguarding and Welfare Coordinator and Deputy DSL) or your child’s Tutor or Undermaster.