7+ and 8+ Open Days

St Paul’s Juniors is a nurturing and encouraging environment which suits bright boys who have an enthusiasm for learning and are fascinated by the process of discovery.

Small Group Parent Tours

We organise small group tours of the school for prospective 7+ (Year 3 entry) and 8+ (Year 4 entry) parents during term time. These tours provide parents with an initial opportunity to visit us on a working school day, and to ask questions about the school and our admissions process prior to or after registering their son. These tours are for parents only, and we respectfully request that your son is at least four years old at the time of booking.

If you would like to attend a small group tour, please contact Katy Balderston, Assistant Registrar, on 7and8plusentry@stpaulsschool.org.uk

For further information, please email: 7and8plusentry@stpaulsschool.org.uk

Telephone: 020 8746 5444