At the heart of our education is the understanding that children flourish when they feel safe, respected and cared for.
We nurture each individual child carefully, developing strong and meaningful relationships with them that will inspire and support them at school, and prove a foundation for their healthy and happy future.
First amongst these is the relationship with their Tutor, who will oversee their pastoral care throughout their time at St Paul’s. Our tutors work together with our broader well-being team. Led by our Deputy Heads (Pastoral and Mental Health & Wellbeing), our Medical Centre, expert Counsellors, Chaplain, Undermasters, Safeguarding leads and Learning Support departments form an experienced and deeply committed pastoral team. All of our staff are highly trained in how to support teen mental health, and we teach all our pupils how to care for themselves in a valuable PSHE course that follows them through the school. Details of our provision in each of these areas can be found within this section of the website.
Underpinning all of our pastoral care is our unwavering commitment to pupil safety. We hold it absolutely paramount: it is the foundation of everything we do. We seek to be a beacon of safeguarding practices in the independent sector, and details of our safeguarding culture and processes can be explored here.