For over 100 years, pupils have been enjoying Christian Union ‘House Parties’ during the Summer and Easter holiday
Hundreds of Old Paulines look back on these holidays as among the most treasured memories of their time at St Paul’s.
The house party is an extension of the weekly SPSCU and aims to build a community where the boys can learn about the Christian faith in a friendly, all-inclusive and pressure-free environment. This is run alongside an exciting program of indoor and outdoor games and pursuits.
During these last 100 years, the house parties provide a unique opportunity for boys to get to know their peers, make friends across every year group and start at St Paul’s knowing many more others from the School Community. The house parties are led by a number of Old Paulines and overseen by the School Chaplain and are supported by school staff.
The 2024 Summer House Party is open to all Paulines and boys at SPJ joining the school in September. It will take place from 11-18 August 2024.
For any further enquiries or questions please email Ed Fryer directly on, or the Chaplain, Rev. Matthew Knox on
Watch our short video for a taste of what house parties are all about: