The Law Society embraces many of the characteristics which the typical St Paul’s pupil feeds on: an ability to see the wood for the trees, a critical eye, an analytical thought process and a keen sense of enquiry.
Meetings have hosted speakers on a regular basis and recent guests have included Lord Grabiner QC, John East, David Joseph QC and Lord Stadlen QC.
There is a bi-annual moot against St Paul’s Girls’ School. Over the last two years, Dexter Dias QC and Lord Brown presided over proceedings held in the historical Inner Temple and Middle Temple Halls, respectively in the heart of London’s legal quarter.
Every other year we hold a legal panel evening with an extended Q&A session followed by a dinner. The event has been attended by senior judges, QCs, solicitors, barristers, trainee solicitors from the Old Pauline community and parents who work in the sector. Other schools from the locality are invited to the event.
During the Spring we run an annual event for pupils, parents and Old Paulines at Freshfields in the city to give them a flavour of a law firm and to learn more about life as a lawyer.