The Co-curricular Hub is a Google site that exists for pupils to find details of the full range of activities available on a weekly basis at St Paul’s, including the links to Google Classrooms to access society meetings.
It is also a place where work that has been produced by pupils within the Co-curricular programme can be shared and celebrated, including results from the virtual Club competitions and videos of recent Drama productions. The Hub is accessible to pupils and staff with a St Paul’s email address. Do take a look through with your child.
In order to ensure that pupils can enjoy a varied activities programme, Futsal has been introduced as a games option for the Fifth-Upper Eighth forms. In the next few weeks, lunchtime futsal sessions are planned to take place by year group. It is our intention that there will be recreational sport or provision for playing out for each year group. As you know, the Saturday programme is currently postponed, but we look to ensure a comprehensive range of games and activities during the school week for all pupils.