Date of death: 26 Oct 1917
Age at death: 33
Cause of death: Not known
Place of burial / commemoration: Poelcapelle British cemetery
From the Pauline Magazine: After leaving school he was trained on the Worcester, and entered the New Zealand Shipping Company. Then he was farming in New Zealand, and later was engaged in a rubber plantation in the Malay States.
On the outbreak of war he came home and took a commission in the R.N.D., and went through most of the fighting in Gallipoli. He was transferred to Salonika, was invalided home, recovered, and was transferred to the R.M.L.I. His C.O. wrote: “Such a splendid fellow he was. I feel his loss more than any of the others. He was commanding a company the day of the attack, and wonderfully well he did it.”