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April 16, 2024

Computing Round-up

Below are some recent computing achievements.

Over the Easter weekend, Adavya Goyal and Anango Prabhat (both Sixth Form) attended the Computing Olympiad selection camp in Cambridge and both qualified for the 4 person UK team for the international competition in Egypt.

Additionally, last term they were also both joint winners of the Oxford University Computing Challenge in the Senior age group, having achieved full marks in the final. Haolin Zhao was 4th in the Elite (Eighth Form) age group. The OUCC is the culmination of the Bebras competition which attracts about 400,000 students from all over the UK.

Last term saw the final of the Perse Computing Team Challenge, for students up to 16, competing for the Braben Cup (sponsored by personal computing pioneer David Braben). Over 40 4/5/6th formers competed in teams of 2 or 3 in the final round, having qualified from the first round. 

 The team of Adavya Goyal, Anango Prabhat (both Sixth Form) and Zane Kumar (Fourth Form), won the overall competition – with Adavya and Anango defending their title from last year. 

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